

Lavina Giamusso

Lavina Giamusso began writing when she was fourteen years old. She wrote sonnets and accounts of her adventures in West Africa where she grew up. Her favorite author then, was Molière. She wrote a critique of his work, “Tartuffe”, at the age of eighteen, which earned her an award in French Literature.

Encouraged by her father to pursue a financially rewarding career, Lavina entered the oil and mining industries in 1970. However, she never abandoned her writing – she wrote a couple of novels in 2006-2007. In 1982, she moved to Australia where she began editing and writing in earnest in 1984. She was appointed Director of the Offshore Engineering Program at Monash University in 1989. While heading this program successfully for several years, Lavina edited numerous technical works and authored a couple of primers for the industry.

Lavina returned home to Vancouver, Canada in 1994 and while fighting cancer, she retired in 2000. Now comfortably ensconced in her apartment, overlooking English Bay, Lavina devotes her time to writing, translating and editing the works of authors from across the world.

Lavina's books for Blue Shelf Bookstore:

Vivienne Neas

“When you do what you love you don’t work a day in your life. I have been writing professionally for five years but I started my journey as a writer when I was twelve. It seems like a lifetime ago now. A thousand lifetimes when I count all the people I’ve been, the worlds I’ve visited, the fantasies I’ve lived. I would never have dreamed I could make a living doing what I’m passionate about. I’m the luckiest person alive.

My friends often ask me how I don’t get bored, sitting in front of a screen all day, punching out one word after the other. But not everyone understands that building a story is like building a house – it’s as technical as it’s creative – and I’m caught between the balance of creating a life and being there to witness it being lived.

When I’m not writing I spend time with my friends and family. It’s important to hold onto those that are real when I spend so much time with people that are fictional. I love anything creative, be it music or cooking or art. Writing is right up there with it.

When I write I do so in the hopes that my readers will get lost in the worlds I create as much as I do. In this harsh reality, don’t we all deserve a little escape?”

Vivienne's books for Blue Shelf Bookstore:

Gray Lanter

Gray Lanter is a former journalist who was born in Florida in 1975.

He started his career in a small radio station in his hometown. As success was growing so was his interest in writing, and began writing articles for an important international newspaper as an eventual partner.

Gray continued developing his career working as an editor in a local newspaper while writing many articles and some short stories for family and friends. He then found his passion writing science fiction novels and decided to give up his job as a journalist, focusing professionally on fictional writing.

He met his wife on the internet and married her in 2012, Gray moved to Colorado where he lives with a good-sized dog, a flat-coated retriever, a cat and a horse. When Gray is not reading or writing, he likes playing golf and baseball.

Gray's books for Blue Shelf Bookstore:

Also You

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