
I’ve got your favourite pizza for dinner…

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Talya looked up at him but didn’t reply. “Come on, Milady, I’ve got your favourite pizza for dinner…” Returning her gaze to the ocean, “Is swimming good for me?” Talya asked. “I’d say so. It’s a muscle stimulant, but you know that. They’ve put you in the pool at the hospital many times.” “Yeah, but […]


Unable to get out of bed at night

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Confined to a wheelchair, her main pleasure appeared centred on being alone outside. Unable to get out of bed at night, she would roll herself onto the carpet in the early hours of the morning to drag her body to the terrace door. The nurse would find her on the floor, staring at the ocean […]


the man responsible for her misery

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She spared some thoughts for the man responsible for her misery, a man she had loved, a man who had become an assassin. He could have killed her, but he didn’t. Why, had been the question that had superseded every other since the shooting. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. She loathed the […]


What do you want?

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Posing as another agent, and using the pretext that I had an urgent message to deliver to her from Sir Gillian, the guard planted in front of the door of her suite let me in after checking my CIA ID. The name I used then was Antoine Gironde. “What do you want?” Talya asked brusquely […]


Mark Gilford, a Canadian Secret Intelligence Service agent

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One could say that Mark Gilford, a Canadian Secret Intelligence Service agent, was an attractive fellow. Not effeminate by any stretch of the imagination, his boyish face, blond hair and blue eyes hid the unyielding character of a marksman of note. Always dressed in the latest fashion, if transposed in another time or another place, […]